Lockdown Hair Care Treats

While we are in lockdown you may get the urge to change or fix your hair. Perhaps trimming your fringe seems like a piece of cake, or a tidying up the ends sounds very manageable. Whilst this might be tempting, make sure you don’t do anything you won’t seriously regret.

Think of this lockdown period as a time to care for your hair, let it revive and replenish. A break away from any harsh treatments such as heat and bleach will be great for your tresses. Indulge in some lovely products to get your hair looking really healthy.

Our Milkshake products are ideal for nurturing your hair in the most natural way. Treat your hair to a leave-in conditioner and use the 20 minute wait to have some downtime with a good book or magazine. To purchase any Milkshake hair care products whilst we are temporarily closed, please visit https://www.milkshakehaircare.co.uk/product-category/our-products/treatments/

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